Q&A Red Bull Energy Drink

Red Bull – a member of “Energy Drinks Europe” (EDE)?

“Energy Drinks Europe” (EDE) was founded in 2010 to engage in an open dialogue with all stakeholders around energy drinks, to promote responsible marketing of energy drinks and to create a public knowledge base on energy drinks for everyone interested in this category.   Large, medium and small sized companies, including Red Bull, are members of EDE.

EDE has summarised a set of clear and simple principles in a Code of Practice relating to the marketing and labelling of energy drinks. This code voluntarily goes beyond the legal requirements and is meanwhile established as a trade practice for the producers of energy drinks.

As the other members of EDE, Red Bull has committed to comply with this Code of Practice. Learn more about this Code of Practice at: http://www.energydrinkseurope.org/code-of-practice/




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