Were there ever any doubts that Luke could pull it off?
“I've never had any doubts whether Luke could land on the helipad. It's just there are always circumstances that you can't control,” Patey explains.
Were there any doubts about the aircraft?
“As far as the aircraft performance, we know we built it right. But in any type of extreme event, race or anything we do in the world, there's always unknowns,” says Patey.
What was the most useful part of training?
“This specific approach was so unique that the final tests performed in Dubai right beforehand were most useful,” says Czepiela.
What other experiences did Luke draw on?
“The Red Bull Air Race definitely helped me develop the ability to stay calm, the flow that is widely discussed in sports psychology. Thanks to that, it was much easier for me to control my mind and minimise the risk by concentrating on completing the task,” Czepiela explains.
Was the weather ever at risk of derailing the project?
"I did my best to fly in all types of meteorological conditions, so for sure every attempt was different,” Czepiela says of training. “We confirmed the repeatability of the landing spot and length in similar wind conditions.”
What was key to the project's success?
“Our journey from the idea to its completion took a very intense two and a half years,” says Czepiela, emphasising the role of practice and teamwork. Ultimately, in the cockpit, it comes down the man behind the controls. “When flying, there’s definitely no such thing as too much confidence,” he adds.